Re: Volunteers wanted for helping with tasks!

cc: sysreq

Le 17 nov. 2011 à 12:56, Chris Mills a écrit :
> 2.
> We also want to migrate the fantastic HTML and CSS references over to our Wiki. This is not yet started. Please let me know if you want to manage this.

I would recommend that the W3C System team add a line in the interwiki table so we can redirect properly the pages from to the new one.

So the process becomes for the person moving the content.

1. Move the content to the new wiki.
2. Add on the old page
   #REDIRECT [[prefix:WebEdPageTitle]]

prefix = what has been chosen for webed in interwiki table.

Then in the future people clicking on the content related to HTML/CSS etc. will be redirected to the good place automagically. 

Karl Dubost -
Developer Relations & Tools, Opera Software

Received on Friday, 18 November 2011 16:32:05 UTC