Socializing the high level API during our F2F meeting in April

Hi all,

As briefly mentioned in our call yesterday, I would like to get your view and interest for organizing a meeting open to the public to discuss the high level API.

The actual objective would be to have a conversation about

-          The other technology providing with high level API (NaCl, ...)

-          The use cases for a W3C high level API

-          The potential action plan in the Web Crypto WG

This meeting open to the public, may help the WG to get more people on board on this topic, as it was mentioned several time that we do not have the appropriate contributors. While being a short meeting, this would at least bring some interested people from the silicon valley if we are able to communicate correctly and send soon the invitations.

Taking the suggestion of Arun made on IRC, we could have this 2 hours conversation at the end of the first day, as a pre-social-event, to avoid taking time on our main discussions.

So I would like to get the view from the WG participants to have a 2 hours meeting on high level API, from 17:00 to 19:00 on the 23rd of April.
Would you attend, contribute, invite people in your network to attend ? All comment, alternative suggestion are welcome.

Chairman of the Web Crypto WG

Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2013 13:28:49 UTC