suggested erratum, webarch 3.3

Hello public-webarch-comments,


AWW states in section 3.3. Inconsistencies between Representation Data
and Metadata:

"On the other hand, there is no inconsistency in serving HTML content
with the media type "text/plain", for example, as this combination is
licensed by specifications."

I am concerned that this could be interpreted in an entirely different
way to the sense that was mean while this section was being discussed.
for example

- "its okay for my server to serve everything as text/plain
or application/octet-stream. AWW says this is fine for HTML"

- "my browser understands what is obviously meant when an html file is
served as text/plain, and displays the HTML as normal. AWW says this is

Suggested resolution:

Be more clear on exactly what is licensed in the above example. For
example, the following wording:

"On the other hand, there is no inconsistency in serving HTML content
with the media type "text/plain", for example, as this combination is
licensed by specifications and results in the plain text source of the
HTML file being displayed. Silently 'correcting' the text/plain to
text/html and displaying the HTMl as normal would not, however, be
licensed by specifications."  

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead

Received on Monday, 28 February 2005 14:59:04 UTC