Re: Selectors: name find method and find signature

On 9/13/13 11:22 AM, Domenic Denicola wrote:
> Ideally, ES6 will give most of the "macros" needed, in the form of class syntax, default arguments, and destructuring argument lists. It's not all you need, certainly, but it does obviate a lot of WebIDL

None of those affect the common pitfalls people run into.

> Apart from that, the remaining idiomatic patterns will look a lot more like, as you say, macros, instead of declarative interface-definition language.

The benefit of using a declarative language is that it lets 
optimal-speed macro-code be generated for the various JS 
implementations...  This is not a benefit to throw away lightly.  As in, 
I expect UAs to continue to use such declarative languages internally no 
matter what the specs are doing.


Received on Friday, 13 September 2013 15:50:39 UTC