Re: [webcomponents]: Of weird script elements and Benadryl

On 4/14/13 3:07 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
>> >> 2, 3, 4
>> I believe have been suggested in one form or another, but as I
>> mentioned, were determined to be non-starters for Gecko. I don't think
>> we've heard anything from IE team.
> Well #4 has been accepted for ES6 by all TC39 participants including
> Mozilla and Microsoft and is going to happen.  The basic scheme was
> actually suggested a member of the SpiderMonkey team so I'm sure we'll
> get it worked out for Gecko.

Note that in #4 we know statically, when we're creating the object for 
the constructor, that it's going to need to create special objects, so 
we can go ahead and create something that has the right [[Construct]] to 
start with.

And again note that this is all a question of timeframes.  I doubt ES6 
class support in SpiderMonkey will happen in the next several months, 
which was the timeframe people were talking about for web components.


Received on Monday, 15 April 2013 12:53:22 UTC