Re: [EventSource] Question on event type

On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 1:16 PM, Bryan Sullivan <> wrote:
> The event type for the MessageEvent is "message" (in all browsers I have
tested, and there is no other "type" attribute defined for MessageEvent. So
if I send from my server a line "event: foo\n", I would expect from reading
above that the event attribute "type" is set to "foo". What am I missing?

Note that "event type" with DOM Events terms really means the name of the
event.  Changing it doesn't change the type in the sense of giving it a
different interface; it's just a different label that you can listen for
with addEventListener.

This allows listening to different remote message types with different event
handlers.  See for an example.

It would be good to have an example of this in the spec.

> FYI, my test is at I have
yet to figure out how to get PHP (or the underlying Apache server) to not
buffer output, so I send enough data to fill the buffer - a bad kludge but
it makes the test work (I think). Any help there is also appreciated.

flush() ( does this at the PHP
level; whether it works at the HTTP server level varies.

Glenn Maynard

Received on Thursday, 8 September 2011 17:47:01 UTC