Re: [FileAPI] FileReader.abort() and File[Saver|Writer].abort have different behaviors

There is actually another difference, the writing API sets the error,
readystate value, and dispatches events off of a queued task, while the
reading API does that synchronously.

I'm inclined to think the synchronous version is the way to go here, since
then the FileReader or FileWriter is totally ready for another use once the
abort method returns.  This is less interesting for FileSaver since that can
only do one thing.

- Kyle

On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 2:35 PM, Kyle Huey <> wrote:

> The abort behaviors of FileReader and File[Saver|Writer] differ.  The
> writing objects throw if the abort method is called when a write is not
> currently under way, while the reading object does not throw.
> The behaviors should be consistent.  I don't particularly care either way,
> but I believe Jonas would like to change FileReader to match
> File[Saver|Writer].
> - Kyle

Received on Tuesday, 17 May 2011 22:02:16 UTC