Adding Content-Disposition header to File.urn response


We probably have already discussed this: adding the Content-Disposition
header into the response when reading File.urn resource. But since this is
not currently documented in the spec, I want to ping you guys to make sure
we are all in the same page.

When the header "Content-Dispositon: attachment" is added, the UA could
either trigger the inline replacement or initiate the download depending on
the different element type. For IMG/INPUT/VIDEO/SCRIPT/LINK, our UA is doing
the replacement inline. For others like IFRAME/LOCATION, our UA will
initiate the download. Are these behaviors you also expect for your UA?

In addition, do we want to add the file name to the C-D header?

I've heard that there is a discussion on setting C-D header pragmatically.
Do we want to go along this way?



Received on Tuesday, 23 March 2010 23:57:56 UTC