Introducing Rokesh Jankie, for the Web Applications groups


on request of Arthur Bartstow, I will introduce myself to the group.
My name is Rokesh Jankie and I'm the lead of a product called QAFE.
In QAFE we have developed a language called QAML, QAFE's Markup Language
and allows you to create web (Web2.0) applications with interaction with
your backend.
We abstracted from any specific technology and even the event handling,
business processing
part is integrated and all in XML format.

The reason why we joined this group, because we think the model that we
created is totally
new and innovative. We wanted you to also have a look at it, especially the

Feel free to contact me if there are questions.

Kind regards,
Rokesh Jankie

Website :

Received on Friday, 8 January 2010 17:16:18 UTC