Re: Comments on View Modes

On Apr 1, 2010, at 14:58 , Kenneth Rohde Christiansen wrote:
> I believe the 'all' is is not that useful as that is the same as not
> declaring anything. This comment has been given by others.

I've removed it.

> The 'application' mode doesn't sounds like a view mode but more like a
> state. Suggestions could be 'windowed' or maybe 'standalone'.

I've changed application to windowed, pending implementer feedback (notably from Opera).

> But
> maybe instead we should go for something like: "docked", "floating",
> "minimized", "normal" and "maximized". Those really seem like view
> modes to me.

I'm guessing from the above that you'd rename "windowed" to "normal"? I don't think that's a very good name, there's nothing particularly normal about it (I run almost everything full screen despite OSX being quite amazingly bad at such a simple task).

What's docked meant to be?

> The mode "minimized" might seem useless at first, but I added for completeness.

When minimised I might want to convey information through my icon alone — that's useful.

Robin Berjon -

Received on Monday, 12 April 2010 10:38:44 UTC