Re: [Widgets] URI Scheme -> URI [+ Scheme]

Hi Marcin,

On Jul 26, 2009, at 20:51 , Marcin Hanclik wrote:
> 1. renaming the Widgets 1.0: URI Scheme specification to Widgets  
> 1.0: URI (or Widgets 1.0: Widget URI or so)

I've changed it to "Widgets 1.0: Widget URIs". Not the most elegant  
title to grace the delicate shores of TR but we've seen worse.

> 2. adding
> widget-scheme = "widget"
> rule
> 3. modifying the existing rule
> widget-URI  = "widget:" "//" [ authority ] "/" zip-rel-path [ "?"  
> query ] [ "#" fragment ]
> to
> widget-URI  = widget-scheme "://" [ authority ] "/" zip-rel-path  
> [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]

Done (except that it's different from the above because it references  
the i-variants).

> 4. updating the related sections, e.g. adding section on scheme  
> registration (some other document?), splitting text for widget-URI  
> and widget-scheme, since these are different things etc.

I've clarified this, and split the text into sub-sections. Indeed the  
scheme becomes almost a side-note.


Robin Berjon -

Received on Wednesday, 2 September 2009 21:34:49 UTC