Re: Issues and Actions (was: XHR2 Feedback As Tracker Issues)

Doug, All,

On Jun 17, 2008, at 12:21 AM, ext Doug Schepers wrote:

> In general, I think using the tracker can be more effective at  
> dealing with issues than merely using email or notations in the  
> spec, for a number of reasons:

Yes, I agree there are some benefits for more fine-grained Issues.

One concern I have is the meta issues with Issues i.e. the overhead  
of managing the Issues. For example, it would be unfortunate if we  
ended-up spending more time discussing things like "is this an issue  
or not" instead of discussing/debating the technical specifics.

Another concern I have is the potential burden for the Editors i.e.  
the folks actually doing a large part of the group's work. I am most  
familiar with the Editors from the WAF WG (Marcos/Widgets, Hixie/XBL2  
and Anne/AC4CSR) and I think they are generally already doing a good  
job of managing Issues for their specs.

If an Editor wants to manage fine-grained Issues then I'd be open to  
supporting that model. However, if Editors are generally satisfied  
with their current Issue management model, then I'd tend to continue  
to support that too.

Anyhow, comments from others are welcom, particularly the WebApps  

-Regards, Art

Received on Tuesday, 17 June 2008 14:20:22 UTC