Postponed: WebApps testharness.js needs to handle 'EventException'

Hi Alex - as I mentioned in [1], until the objections to the publication 
of a D3E CR are resolved I propose this change be postponed.

-Regards, Art Barstow


On 10/14/11 3:26 PM, ext Alex Kuang wrote:
> While converting some event tests to use the harness, I noticed that function assert_throws(code, func, description) in testharness.js needs to handle 'EventException'. Here is a 'patch' for testharness.js around line ~752 -- James Graham do you agree and if so can you update testharness.js?
>                          else if (code in EventException)
>                          {
>                                  expected_type = "EventException";
>                                  required_props[code] = EventException[code];
>                                  required_props.code = EventException[code];
>                                  //As above
>                                  // = code;
>                         }
> Here are the test cases testing EventException:
> Thanks,
> Alex

Received on Monday, 24 October 2011 19:40:20 UTC