Re: [heycam/webidl] Make interface prototype object creation imperative (#494)

TimothyGu commented on this pull request.

> +            \[[Configurable]]: <emu-val>true</emu-val>}.
+        1.  Perform [=!=] <a abstract-op>DefinePropertyOrThrow</a>(|interfaceProtoObj|, {{@@unscopables}}, |desc|).
+        1.  [=list/For each=] [=exposed=] [=member=] |member| of |interface|
+            that is declared with the [{{Unscopable}}] [=extended attribute=]:
+            1.  Let |id| be |member|'s [=identifier=].
+            1.  Perform [=!=] <a abstract-op>CreateDataProperty</a>(|unscopableObject|, |id|,
+                <emu-val>true</emu-val>).
+    1.  [=Expose the regular attributes=] of |interface| on |interfaceProtoObj| given |realm|.
+    1.  [=list/For each=] [=exposed=] [=regular operation=] |op| that is a [=member=] of |interface|:
+        1.  Let |method| be the result of [=creating an operation function|creating an operation function=]
+            given |op|, |interface|, and |realm|.
+        1.  Let |modifiable| be <emu-val>false</emu-val> if |op| is [=unforgeable=]
+            and <emu-val>true</emu-val> otherwise.
+        1.  Let |desc| be the PropertyDescriptor{\[[Value]]: |method|,
+            \[[Writable]]: |modifiable|, \[[Enumerable]]: <emu-val>true</emu-val>,
+            \[[Configurable]]: |modifiable|}.

Not all platform objects are created through the interface object though. We might need to extend instead. 

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