Re: [webcomponents] Define the behavior of '::slotted' (the former name is '::content'). (#331)

Thanks, it is clearer now.

Another question: Do we allow `::slotted` without function-style parameter?
In that case, any element slotted under <slot> would match the rule?
In the default slot case, text node could match the rule, then?

E.g. ``::slotted` would be almost equivalent to `::slotted(*)`, but if a text node is slotted under a
`<slot>`, it might be different.

In shadow's style:
::slotted { color: green; }
::slotted(*) { color: blue; }

where in this HTML:
       <slot name="blue"></slot>
   <div slot="blue">This text should be in blue.</div>
   <div>(1)Is this color blue?</div>
   (2)Is this color green?

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