Re: [editing-explainer] intents originating from components resp. scripts (#16)

tl;dr: yes. you're right that I might be chasing the dragon called "make everything generic".

My goal was to abstract and decouple, like in the example the front-end and the backends 
e.g. save()-function called from the editor does not need to know how the backend will save it. (e.g. onto ondrive, dropbox, owncloud or just offer it as a download).
This will either require some kind of contract or an abstraction.

In the web dev world,  I would would expect registering a callback with the editor. The idea was to define/using intents quite similar to your proposal for that. Advantage might be they can be passed  as messages between web workers or even web sockets. 

But I agree that is probably way further down the road.

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