[Bug 20567] Change [[Prototype]] for concept-node-adopt?


--- Comment #69 from Dimitri Glazkov <dglazkov@chromium.org> ---
Just a quick update: a bunch of Mozilla and Google folk chewed some more on the
problem and reached a conclusion that we can avoid solving this problem for
custom elements for now.

1) Anne presented the fact that we will need "adopt" callback for custom
elements to adjust baseURL when a node is adopted into a document. The same
callback could be used (as a UA implementation detail) to swizzle prototypes
for engines that do want to change the prototype and do nothing for engines
that don't.

2) The adopt callback will accept two arguments: old document and new document.

3) A new registry API will need to exist to expose the "registry" concept in
the current custom elements spec:
http://w3c.github.io/webcomponents/spec/custom/#dfn-registry. This registry
will be exposed as a member of a Document object and allow the adopt callback
reason about what to do with the element definitions across documents. The
registry will likely look like a map of definitions.

I will take an action item to work on the registry spec and refactor custom
elements spec to depend on it.

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Received on Thursday, 6 February 2014 20:07:36 UTC