Dedicated Geolocation List and Channel

Hi, Folks-

Matt Womer and I have started a new email list for discussing 
geolocation.  The new list, public-geolocation [1], will be archived, 
and the intent is for it to be the public list for the planned 
Geolocation WG:

I want to encourage folks not to put off technical discussion on the 
matter, or wait for the Geolocation WG to form; you can join the email 
list today, and start your engines.  Of particular interest will be 
initial discussions of what the scope of the deliverables should be, and 
that will affect the charter.

In parallel, we will be working on the charter in public, and will 
present it to W3M and submit it for AC Review.  We already know that 
there is considerable Member interest in this activity, so we anticipate 
a smooth review period, and will announce the new WG as soon as 
possible.  We will keep the public-geolocation list informed every step 
of the way.

We've also started a new W3C IRC channel, #geolocation.  Please feel 
free to have discussions there, as well.  We are interested in keeping 
logs of the chat there on the W3C servers, so chime in if you think 
that's a good or bad idea.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG, CDF, and WebAPI

Received on Monday, 2 June 2008 21:59:57 UTC