Re: [XMLHttpRequest] Change to SENT state

"Anne van Kesteren" <> wrote:

> Feedback from Microsoft pointed out that the SENT state is in fact the  
> state that indicates that all HTTP headers have been received and that  
> LOADING indicates that the first few bytes of the response entity body are
> in. As a result, I renamed SENT to HEADERS_RECEIVED in the editor's draft 

> and slightly changed the send() algorithm:
> Kind regards,

So now you get *three* events dispatched immediately one after the other
when doing a HEAD request.  Still, since the spec is just documenting IE's
behaviour, you don't have a choice, I suppose.

Are you going to change all the methods like getRequestHeader so that they
are now valid in state HEADERS_RECEIVED - it would be just bizarre to issue
an event saying that we've got the complete HTTP header and then prohibit
the reading of the HTTP status and headers until the entity body has started

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Received on Monday, 25 June 2007 12:27:55 UTC