Re: Multiple Open of the XMLHttpRequest object

"It's not possible per the specification."

Where in the specification?

"What about multiple open invocations?"
"What about multiple send invocations?"
(this is in the working draft)

What kind of content are you expecting exactly? 

"This might be issue I described, although the comments seem to indicate
otherwise and the "..." make it unclear as well"

The ... means for some code inside.

"Have you actually played with this in browsers?"

I have implemented GET and POST and I am testing POST followed by GET. 
This was what I was supposing to be the issue "What about multiple open invocation",
but apparently you have another idea in mind, that I would appreciate you
let us know.

To be clear, I try to implement, if possible:
 open("POST" ...)
 open("GET" ...)

If it is not possible with actuel browsers this may be defined in a specification for future

Denis Sureau 

Received on Sunday, 29 October 2006 12:02:28 UTC