Re: ACTION-148: responseText and encoding

"Anne van Kesteren" <>
> reponseText now reads:
>    If the <code><term>readyState</term></code> attribute has a value
>    other than 3 (Receiving) or 4 (Loaded), it MUST be the empty string.
>    Otherwise, it MUST be the fragment of the entity body received so
>    far (when <code>readyState</code> is 3 (Receiving)) or the entity
>    body when <code>readyState</code> is 4 (Loaded)), interpreted as a
>    stream of characters.

This is another difference that is not compatible with existing 
implementations, why is the 3 not a SHOULD? to meet the goals of being 
compatible with existing implementations.

Which is a seperate issue I know, but it hasn't been resolved from when I 
raised it last time...



Received on Sunday, 14 May 2006 12:25:23 UTC