Re: [webrtc-tests] Adding a basic no-media call that uses promises. (#1824)

This is a variation of signaling after createOffer, with the same problems I outlined earlier. By not waiting for setLocalDescription to verify the offer, there's error fan-out. i.e. if setLocalDescription fails for any reason then the signaling is already on its way to the peer, creating more failures than seems neecssary.

Also, I consider any delaying of setLocalDescription callback to be a footgun. It's the one method that is extremely time-sensitive in our API. Any guarantees about ice candidates not firing until after the setLocalDescription callback fires are lost here by waiting for both setLocal and setRemote to finish.

I don't think we should worry about the time it takes setLocalDescription to finish.

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Received on Tuesday, 19 May 2015 12:53:38 UTC