Re: [webrtc-tests] Adding a basic no-media call that uses promises. (#1824)

With respect, I think this argument is bogus.

First of all, this is a *platform test*.

The API description *guarantees* that in the callback from createOffer, the (unmodified) offer will be useful: "Session descriptions generated by createOffer must be immediately usable by setLocalDescription without causing an error as long as setLocalDescription is called reasonably soon."

If SetLocalDescription fails, there is a bug in the platform, and the test will fail. That's the whole point of the test.

Second, without knowing how promise.all is implemented internally, I don't see how this construct constitues a "delay of setLocalDescription". The result of setLocalDescription() will feed into Promise.all when setLocalDescription() is finished. If it fails, Promise.all will fail at once.

Third, I don't understand the time sensitivity you are claiming. One of the ends of the connection will start firing candidates before the other is ready; the other one won't - one of the endpoints' first probe will be lost, and *that is what we expect to happen*. They will connect. That's why ICE is probed from both ends.

Fourth, I don't even understand what guarantee you're claiming. Please cite the section in the spec that gives a guarantee, and tell me what it says.

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Received on Tuesday, 19 May 2015 13:17:10 UTC