WebPerfWG design call - Thursday March 14th @ 11am PT

Hey all,

Let's talk about new and exciting webperf features tomorrow! :D
On the agenda
we currently have:

   - SxG and webperf telemetry — igrigorik@
   - Element Timing for Text Elements
   - npm@
   - Performance Timeline buffering
   - npm@
   - In-progress resource requests
   <https://github.com/w3c/resource-timing/issues/137> - npm@

But it's very likely we'll add more stuff to the agenda and/or shuffle
things around. If you have anything you want to discuss, don't be shy.

The hangout for the call is the usual one

See y'all tomorrow! :)

Received on Wednesday, 13 March 2019 07:22:20 UTC