Re: More on workerStart

On 6/3/15 1:49 PM, Ilya Grigorik wrote:
> #time-origin
> The time origin is the time value from which time is measured:
> - If the global settings object specified by the incumbent settings

s/global settings/global/ ?

> object is a Window object, the time origin must be equal to the time of
> the start of navigation.

What about Window object that did not result from navigation (e.g. 
initial about:blank)?  Really, this should just use whatever definition 
is currently used for performance.timing.navigationStart, probably by 

> - Otherwise, if the global settings object specified by the incumbent

Again, "global object" not "global settings object".

> settings object is a WorkerGlobalScope object (dedicated worker), or
> a SharedWorkerGlobalScope object (shared worker), the time origin must
> be equal to the time [when the worker script settings object is set
> up](

Makes sense.  What about other globals, starting with service workers 
but also including ES6 Realms and whatever other cases there may be?

For what it's worth, there is no in a vanilla an ES6 
Realm, so code running inside such a thing that wants workerStart ... 
not sure what to have it return.  Maybe 0 is not terrible for the moment 
until we have some idea of how Realms would actually get created in 

> How does that look?

Pretty reasonable modulo the above.


Received on Wednesday, 3 June 2015 18:07:49 UTC