Re: [ResourcePriorities] Scripts and integration with HTML spec

On Tue, 2014-04-22 at 22:34 +0000, Ian Hickson wrote:
> To this end, here are some questions to which answers would help determine 
> how I should proceed:
> - Does the Resource Priorities spec have browser vendor buy-in? Which 
> vendors are on board?

We had interest from several in the past, including IE, Chrome, and
Firefox. Now, whether they're on board with the current specification
remains to be seen. The specification is still a moving target.

> - What's the implementation status of the Resource Priorities spec?

Last time I checked, IE did an early implementation.

> - If this work happens in the Resource Priorities spec, which hooks do you 
> need in the HTML spec so that we can make sure the requirements in the 
> Resource Priorities spec are well-defined in terms of the HTML spec's 
> algorithms? (e.g. in script loading and execution, img loading, the 
> <object> processing model, etc)

My understanding is that we have all the hooks we need in the HTML
specification. That doesn't mean however we're completely hooked in yet

> - Is the Resource Priorities spec work intending to address the use cases 
> Q to Z described in this e-mail?:

The short answer is no. Note that we removed postpone from the resource
priorities spec. Only lazyload remains and it is only used for network
resource contention. Similar to async and defer, I wouldn't expect
lazyload to override the behavior of whenneeded and needs. We'll
certainly need to explore the cascading effect of lazyload but I would
think they would be similar to the ones specified for async.

> - In that same e-mail, there is a proposal (search for "Here's a 
> proposal"). Are there use cases that that proposal does not handle but 
> which the Resource Priorities spec will handle?

The Resource Priorities spec does address network resource contention
which I don't believe your proposal handles.

> - How will the Resource Priorities spec interface with the <img> 
> processing model, in particular, with the changes expected as a result of 
> these bugs?:

Not sure if we have an answer for that one. I created


Received on Thursday, 24 April 2014 15:47:24 UTC