RE: [Resource Timing] Feedback on the IDL

I have updated the Editor's Draft,, with the changes you had suggested:

1.       To be consistent with StyleSheetList, I updated the PerformanceResourceTimingList interface to have an item method, as so:

interface PerformanceResourceTimingList{
   readonly attribute unsigned long length;
   PerformanceResourceTiming item(in unsigned long index);

2.       To be consistent with how we have named the rest of our methods, I renamed onbufferfull to onresourcetimingbufferfull.

3.       To be consistent with other APIs that take URLs, I have updated the getResourceTimingsByLocation(in Location location) API to getResourceTimingsByURL(in DOMString url).


Received on Wednesday, 25 May 2011 18:21:22 UTC