July 2014 edition of Standards for Web Applications on Mobile: current state and roadmap


I've just released the latest version of the quarterly overview of W3C
technologies that increase the capabilities of Web apps with special
relevance on mobile:

As always, it highlights the changes in the platform over the past 3
months (see below); a new addition in this edition is a section on
payment, tracking the work recently started through the W3C workshop in




Changes identified since April 2014:
 Emerging work
          + early work on a [29]Wake Lock API, that would enable
            developers to prevent their users device to go on
            standby mode, has started in the Device APIs Working

          + early work on a [30]geofencing API has started in the
            Geolocation Working Group;

          + early work on a [31]background synchronization API for
            browsers, based on Service Worker, has started;

          + an alternative to Network Service Discovery (whose
            future remains unclear) has emerged as an early
            proposal called [32]Named Web Sockets;

          + early work on [33]credential management and
            [34]on-line authorization integration is being
            discussed in the Web Applications Working Group;


          + work on a [35]new version of the Indexed Database API
            is under consideration in the Web Applications Working

          + a [36]Web Bluetooth Community Group was started to
            look at an in-browser API to interact with Bluetooth
            Low Energy devices;

     [36] http://www.w3.org/community/web-bluetooth/

 Published as First Public Working Draft
          + the [37]First Public Working Draft of Service Workers,
            a mechanism that enables powerful off-line Web
            applications, was released;

          + the [38]First Public Working Draft of WOFF 2.0, the
            optimized font file format format for the Web, was

          + the [39]First Public Working Draft of Media Queries
            level 4, making it possible to taylor the style and
            layout of a Web page to e.g. the ambient light
            environment, was released;
     [39] http://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-4/

 Reached Last Call

          + [40]CSS Font Loading Module Level 3 was published as a
            Last Call Working Draft;

          + the [41]Beacon API, allowing to ask the browser to
            make HTTP requests after a page has been closed, was
            published as a Last Call Working Draft;
 Returned to Last Call
          + the [42]Canvas API returned to Last Call Working
            Draft status to add important accessibility
          + HTML Media Capture, [43]Ambident Light events
            returned to Last Call Working Draft status to
            take into account implementors feedback;
 Reached Candidate Recommendation
          + the HTML5 specification was published as updated
            Candidate Recommendation (after a short Last Call
            Working Draft), on its [44]final stretch to W3C
            Recommendation status later this year;
 Specification merged, split or abandoned
          + the srcset attribute and picture element, used to
            create responsive images, were merged into the
            [45]HTML 5.1 specification, as their first
            implementations in browsers are emerging;
 Newly tracked
          + the document now tracks
            [46]viewport-relative CSS units and [47]CSS
            Mobile text size adjustment that helps make
             Web pages adapt to the underlying device;
          + the ability of the [48]autocomplete
            attribute in HTML 5.1 to help fill contact
            information and credit card data is now
            specifically tracked in this document;

Received on Thursday, 14 August 2014 09:55:32 UTC