Re: Requiring a secure transport layer for Intents and similar things (DAP standards best practices?)

Le mardi 04 septembre 2012 à 15:09 -0700, James Hawkins a écrit :
> OK, Josh informed me that this email is the result of an AI to write
> up his thoughts on the subject.
> Proponents of requiring a secure transport layer: do you have any
> insights on my questions below?
> > I'm slightly concerned that requiring SSL/TLS will present a barrier
> > to adoption on developers.  Is there precedence on the web platform
> > for requiring secure transport?

It's not quite yet a "precedent", but the transport protocol used by
WebRTC is required to be secured.

Somewhat relatedly, some of the proposals in IETF for HTTP 2.0 would
also require a secure transport.


Received on Wednesday, 5 September 2012 16:27:34 UTC