Exploring an Intents protocol for web messaging

In a thread on Web Apps, titled, "connection ceremony for iframe 
postMessage communications", John Barton brought up some ideas about 
formalizing an iframe web messaging protocol.

The web intents prototype/shim, over at http://webintents.org/ does 
something very similar.

I'd like to explore a protocol for handling web intents over postMessage 
semantics. It may be very similar, or even match the semantics of the 
shim, or it may be a little different.

John and I seem to have come to the same conclusion that a "ping" 
message is needed, to setup the handshake. In the case of postMessage, 
registration may not be an issue/on the table.
It's more likely the case that site A wants to interface to site B, and 
site B has a general mechanism for any site to do so.


Received on Saturday, 11 February 2012 20:52:52 UTC