Re: WADL - resource path attribute and "WADL to HTML documentation stylesheet".

I'm happy to update it if that's the intent; frankly I haven't thought  
about WADL for a few months; Mark, what's your take?
On 04/07/2008, at 7:20 PM, Thierry Boileau wrote:

> Hello all,
> I've a simple question about the "path" attribute. As written in the  
> specification, this attribute provides a relative URI template, wich  
> as far as I understand can either starts with a "/" character or  
> not. Having said that, I notice that the "WADL to HTML documentation  
> stylesheet" maintained by Mark Nottingham systematically appends a  
> leading "/" character to the resource path atribute. And at the same  
> time, it takes care of the "base" attribute of the "Resources" item  
> in order to remove the ending "/" character.
> Do I miss something? Is it possible to update the stylesheet in  
> order to appends the leading "/" character of the "path" attribute  
> only when required?
> Best regards,
> Thierry Boileau

Mark Nottingham

Received on Tuesday, 19 August 2008 04:15:20 UTC