Re: [me-media-timed-events] ISO BMFF Byte Stream Format spec does not mention emsg

I agree that as defined, an emsg box is part of a media segment; but that does not imply that everything found in a media segment is in scope for the media source extensions spec or the byte stream format spec. 

MSE scope is the dynamic construction of media streams for audio and video. The Byte Stream Format Spec is listed in the MSE registry - which is (from title of registry and stated purpose) "... intended to enhance interoperability among implementations and users of SourceBuffer objects described in the Media Source Extensions (MSE) specification."

Processing of emsg boxes will be described in some other W3C spec - perhaps DataCue? I do not see it being described in MSE and therefore I don't see it belonging in the byte stream format spec.

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Received on Wednesday, 6 June 2018 17:06:59 UTC