Re: [MEDIA_PIPELINE_TF] 4.1.2 requirement change proposal

s/<obj> tag/<object> element/

On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Bob Lund <> wrote:

>  Here is a proposal for rewording requirement 4.1.2 to make it more
> specific. 4.1.2 The ABR specification must define how  video and audio
> elements can be used for playback of adaptive delivery formats.
> In the past, the <obj> tag has been used to add non-standard functionality
> to HTML pages. In order to provide more consistent functionality, the
> <video> and <audio> elements were added to HTML. This allows for consistent
> handling of streaming media between different browsers and encoded with
> different codecs. In order to maintain this consistency with ABR media
> formats,any solution must define how the video and audio elements can be
> used for playback of adaptive delivery format media.
> Bob Lund

Received on Friday, 20 April 2012 18:19:24 UTC