TWO things to read -- survey will come out tomorrow on them

We have been working on both the Key Terms and the "final three"  
and now is time for feedback

So look these two pages over -- and fill out the survey that will be out tomorrow.  

1)  KEY TERMS section for the intro 

the key terms I think are pretty far along based on our team

2)  Proposal for the FINAL THREE success criteria 

You can find these listed as Proposal 4 - at the top of the following page

A draft of the  "FINAL THREE success criteria " was posted to the list earlier. 
the following changes have been made in response to comments

> Gregg,
> I too am pleased with the direction this is going.
> I feel the "common block" needs some per-SC tweaking / augmenting.  

Agree.  For each of the SC you will see there is a place to add extra text for each SC that goes beyond the common block. 

> For example, in Bypass Blocks, I think there should be a Note detailing some of the "mechanisms" for bypassing may be in order (e.g. skipping over the previews in a set of movies in a movie trilogy, to get directly to the main menu; etc.).  

Good idea.  I'm not sure the movie trilogy works -- the trailers usually are different for different parts but if they are the same -- it should be possible to skip them.  I think all trailers can be skipped though -  so sort of a no-op. (what you CAN'T skip is the FBI warning.... what a pain.  But I don't think we can say that is an accessibility issue because everyone needs to sit through that.  There is no disadvantage to having a disability (once you get used to the fact that there will always be a large silence if you are blind.) . ) 

Any other examples welcome.

> We also had draft text for earlier versions of Multiple Ways that clarified the ease with which that was met.  I think it is important to have that here - the "common block" doesn't address that.

I found the text and it is added to SC 2.4.5

> Finally, I would like to also note for software that we also had problems determining what was a "navigational mechanism".

That is for SC 3.2.3.  I have added text for that.  check it and improve it. 

> Regards,
> Peter


Received on Monday, 29 October 2012 03:22:28 UTC