Re: text scaling How To Meet pages

Hi Sorcha,

On 31/01/07, Sorcha Moore <> wrote:
> I've just noticed that we did not include the line about working from the
> assumption that the specified font size is readable to start with - did we
> intend to do this?
> If not a start might be: "Working from the assumption that the author has
> specified a readable size font size, the group feels that ..."

I still have reservations about making assumptions. If we make
assumptions about text being legible in the first place, is there a
relevant success criterion to catch text that isn't legible to start
with? No author would deliberately write content that couldn't be read
by anyone (and hope it was accessible), so there is also the issue as
to what constitutes a default readable font-size. Maybe we should
explicitly state a base for the visual acuity in the intent?

The more I think about this, the more I can't help thinking that maybe
it would be a good idea to add another success criterion to ensure
rendered content is legible in user agents in their standard
configuration (for example, text-size set at medium). Maybe something
like, "visually rendered content does not require visual acuity
greater than 20/40 on the Snellen chart". We could add this to the
description for 1.4.5 and 1.4.6, but if it was a separate success
criterion, it would negate the need for an explicit assumption, and
make it easier to expand on issues such as the standard configuration
of a user agent.

Best regards,


Supplement your vitamins

Received on Wednesday, 31 January 2007 10:47:18 UTC