Antw: AW: Easy to Read Call

Thanks Kerstin(g),
I updated. 
Regarding plane language I think this is exactly the purpose of the
call: to provoke and invite to present such work. I therefore propose:
a) Making this comparison part of the core topic ("Comparative studies
of guidelines and standards, e.g. of Easy to Read and "plain language")
b) Moving the aspect D4All versus specialised pages down to the
"beyond" section ("Guidance for practice, e.g. discussing Easy to Read
as an aspect of mainstream "design for all" (e.g. use of "plain
language") versus specialised or individualised Easy to Read adaptations
(on demand)")

a.Univ.Prof.Dr. Klaus Miesenberger
University of Linz, Institut Integriert Studieren
Altenbergerstrasse 69, A-4040 Linz, 
Tel: +43-732-2468-3751 Fax: ...-23751
International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special
Needs, ICCHP: 
International Camps on Computers&Communication, ICC: 

Association for the Advancement for Assistive Technology in Europe,
eAccess+ The eAccessibility newtork: 
Austrian Computer Society, OCG:
>>> Kerstin Matausch <> 17.08.2012 16:45 >>>

Hi Klaus,
thank you for your ongoing work on the topic and the update.
Last but hopefully not least some more notes:
Some small spelling mistakes: *plain language* instead of *plane
language*; *Kerstin* instead of *Kersting* (although I like it. It
sounds funny)
ad 2) I agree with you on primarily focusing *the basics* in order to
identify key aspects of Easy to Read and additionally to invite
contributions to the broader scope of topics. 
Ad 3) *Plain language* would surely be of interest and would broaden
the focus. I*m unsure how far you wish that at the moment. 
The concept of plain language asks for more developed skills in reading
and comprehension such as i.e. educationally deprived people, and people
with rather low language skills. So it would meet the targeted user
groups and extend them.
Plain language additionally asks for a number of different guidelines
and designs in comparison to Easy to Read. 
A distinction between these two concepts would be necessary and could
be integrated. Again, I*m unsure how far you plan this at the moment.
Kompetenznetzwerk KI-I
Altenbergerstraße 69
4040 Linz

Telefon: +43 (0) 732 / 24 68 - 37 78
Fax: +43 (0) 732 / 24 68 * 37 89

ZVR: 550736570
UID: ATU62332201

Von: Klaus Miesenberger [] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 17. August 2012 11:50
Cc: Andrea Petz; Birgit Peböck; Kerstin Matausch
Betreff: Easy to Read Call

Dear colleagues,

many thanks to those providing feedback in the telco and via email. I
updated the page and I do hope that I took all issues into account.

Please have a look at the updated version at

The main edits have been:

1) Following the format of topic 3 (TC): now three versions (call/main

2) There were two comments which in my opinion are contradicting to a
certain extent: 

a) the broad and comprehenisive description of the field has been

b) the need to focus the symposium was expressed

Both are valuable and therefore I propose to focus the symposium on the
4 main objectives discussed, but also invite contributions to the
broader scope of topics. Perhaps this is an acceptable solution.

3) The concept and term "plane language" is at least mentioned (Topic
4. Guidelines and Standards) - perhaps we should make it more visible?

4) "Easy to Read on the Web" is now used as the title of the Symposium.
There was a mixture of this and other titles, e.g. Easy to Read language
or East to Read content. This could be discussed but I think it is a
minor issue.

5) Step by step the SC lists more names - volunteers from the RDWG
still welcome!

And any feedback very much appriciated.



a.Univ.Prof.Dr. Klaus Miesenberger
University of Linz, Institut Integriert Studieren
Altenbergerstrasse 69, A-4040 Linz, 
Tel: +43-732-2468-3751 Fax: ...-23751
International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special
Needs, ICCHP: 
International Camps on Computers&Communication, ICC: 

Association for the Advancement for Assistive Technology in Europe,

eAccess+ The eAccessibility newtork: 

Austrian Computer Society, OCG:

Received on Monday, 20 August 2012 05:58:25 UTC