Re: difference between techniques and procedures


as it's close enough to what I suggest in a previous mail I totally 
agree with these proposals.

> Hi Richard,
> Nice suggestion. Building this into your earlier suggestion…
> Does it mean 1.e becomes:
> Step 1.e: Defined the test procedures which will be used.
> Requirement 1.e: The test procedures that will be used to evaluate the 
> conformance to WCAG 2.0 should be specified.
> And, to update 4b to become "Step 4.b: Use test procedures from 
> WCAG 2.0 Techniques where possible". (following through 4.b with 
> changes like 'using test procedures from…')
> If it does - you have my 100% backing.
> All the best
> Alistair

Received on Saturday, 2 June 2012 13:38:26 UTC