Re: Step 1.e: Define the Techniques to be used


I don't presume to know all the web developers in the world - or those you work with.  Personally, I think what you say does a great disservice to the great many web developers out there who take accessibility very seriously and work very hard to follow WCAG 2.0 Techniques (or other techniques) in order to produce accessible web content. 

Just to clear - in your opinion, who's job do you think it is to know web content accessibility techniques - if not the web developer?


On 1 Jun 2012, at 11:42, Aurélien Levy wrote:

> Hi again
>> 2) It would not have been missed if the web developer had specifically told you that they intended all elements attached to functions to be in the tab order. And, you had checked what they said.
> So you presume that web developer know witch wcag techniques he implement, this is not the case for most of developer I work with most of them doesn't know techniques at all (and it's not their job the know it in my opinion, at least no in term of wcag conformance)
> Aurélien

Received on Friday, 1 June 2012 09:58:30 UTC