Re: Proposal to add foaf:Agent to "Allowable Types" for earl:TestSubject


Carlos Iglesias wrote:
> TestSubjects are ALWAYS passive roles --> can't be Agents

Maybe I am misunderstanding the description of foaf:Agent. My understanding is that it is a class of things that "do something". This includes software or hardware that acts on behalf of a user.

However, this "thing that does something" does not have to be doing anything when it is being tested. It is just a thing. A super class of software, hardware, and user agents. right?

> Software can be TestSubject (passive --> not an Agent) or Assertor
> (active --> an agent)

"Software" is seen to be a subclass of foaf:Agent (though FOAF does not provide any such class for software). This means that "Software" is always as active/passive as foaf:Agent can be. It is also a thing that does something, it is only a more specific "thing". I don't see your point.


Shadi Abou-Zahra     Web Accessibility Specialist for Europe | 
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Received on Thursday, 22 June 2006 06:05:46 UTC