RE: Re: [Moderator Action] Comment: 23. XHTML Metainformation Attributes Module

> Are we going to follow this up with the HTML group?
> cheers
> Chaals

I think we really should, but I don't like the current P3P aproach at

IMO if the link element is going to be used with the EARL reports there
are several conditions we should observe, ideally:

- The relationship type should be clear established: accessibility,
privacy, etc.
- The relationship role should be clear established too: conformance,
preferences, etc.
- The format need to be known: p3p, earl, etc.
- The format version need to be known too: 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, etc.

This way user agents could know all the necessary about the linked
document without the necessity of explore the document itself.

And this is why I don't like to adopt the current P3P approach:

<link rel="earlv1" href="" />

IMO again this is a bad use of the rel attribute because it should
describe relationships and I think that earlv1 is not a relationship at
all, it's a format. In addition, what happens when the earl become
updated with a v2?

So, I would prefer something like:

<link rel="accessibility" role="conformance" type="application/earlv1"
href="" title="EARL accessibility report"

I think this approach fulfils the previous desired conditions and is
more flexible, allowing things like:

<link rel="accessibility" role="information" type="text/html"
href="" title="Information about the
accessibility applied in this site" />

<link rel="mobile" role="conformance" type="application/earlv1"
href="" title="EARL mobileOK conformance
report" />

Waiting for your thoughts...



> ------- Forwarded message -------
> From: "Shadi Abou-Zahra" <>
> To: "John Foliot -" <>
> Cc:,
> Subject: Re: [Moderator Action] Comment: 23. XHTML 
> Metainformation Attributes  Module
> Date: Tue, 07 Jun 2005 14:26:19 +0200
> Hi John,
> John Foliot - wrote:
> > The current XHTML 2 draft has expanded and added to the predefined 
> > list of relative values
> > 
> (
> nformation):
> >  Example: <link rel="P3Pv1" href="" />
> >    (I'm glad you caught this one... I had wondered about it before).
> >  May I suggest that another value be added to the newly 
> expanded list, 
> > that of EARL:
> >  *************
> >  earlv1
> >     Refers to an EARL Report Reference File. See [EARL - 
> > 
> >  Example: <link rel="earlv1"  
> > href="" />
> >       or:
> > 	   <link rel="earlv1" 
> href=""
> > />
> >  *************

Received on Monday, 26 September 2005 08:49:01 UTC