Re: Moving the process to github…

On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 5:19 PM, Peter Linss <> wrote:
> The commit history does in fact map back and forth 1:1 without loss, the
> caveats are around branches. Mercurial does named branches somewhat
> differently from git, so git branches are mapped into bookmarks in the hg
> repo. Provided you don’t do a lot of branching, this generally isn’t an
> issue (and if you do a lot of branching, teach your hg users to just use
> bookmarks instead of named branches).

You lose a bunch of stuff: from git -> hg, you lose the Committer
fields in the metadata (as hg has no notion of it); from hg -> git you
lose the knowledge of the branch name of historic commits (which I
think is part of the above).


Received on Thursday, 29 December 2016 21:45:21 UTC