w3process-ISSUE-106 (TR-graveyard): The graveyard of /TR [Process Document]

w3process-ISSUE-106 (TR-graveyard): The graveyard of /TR [Process Document]


Raised by: Chris Wilson
On product: Process Document

This issue has been raised several times, including:

1. look for "graveyard" (proposed by Chris) in the AB priorities wiki: https://www.w3.org/wiki/AB/2014-2015_Priorities#Improving_the_W3C_Process_broadly.2C_or_best_practices_to_implement_the_process

2. Marcos' email to the O&TC CG: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-openw3c/2014Aug/0006.html

Received on Friday, 8 August 2014 14:59:09 UTC