Re: Are Director's Calls mandatory for LCCR?

On 10/31/13 3:13 PM, ext Stephen Zilles wrote:
> The Process Document, both the current one and the proposed change, 
> require the Director's Approval. The means by which this approval is 
> obtained has always been up to the Director. There is no change being 
> proposed.

The current practice is that no Director's call is required when a LCWD 
is published, however, a Director's call is required before a CR is 
published. If these two `maturity levels` are combined, will a 
Director's call be required or not to publish a LCCR?

You seem to be saying "well, it depends" and that seems like a Really 
Bad Answer so surely I must be missing something.

-Thanks, AB

Received on Thursday, 31 October 2013 20:16:55 UTC