Re: why Vehicle subClassOf Product ? (also: Commercial, Economic)

On Mar 26, 2015 10:51 AM, "Martin Hepp" <> wrote:

> Note, however, that MTE in microdata are problematic, because
additionalType does not formally make the properties from that second type
valid properties for the entity, according to the Microdata spec, because
the vocabulary of the main type defines the finite list of properties
available for that type. Thus an MTE in Microdata cannot formally have the
properties from that second type.

One can either take the glory that is sec. 5.3 and let it be a noose to
strange oneself, or treat it as more than enough rope to sail to better

The only limits are those a vocabulary specification sets for itself. A
specification can define itself for IRIs starting with "". Discard the
standard rdf config file (until the RDF spec is changed to  allow for
longest match semantics).
Handle specially- that's what 90% of the microdata to RDF spec
is for. You have to work magic on it anyway to make sense of the literals.

A vocabulary specification can give you power. This email is a vocabulary
specification. Use your power responsibly.


Received on Thursday, 26 March 2015 17:31:06 UTC