Re: Another example of Wikidata + for type enumerations

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 8:24 PM, Thad Guidry <> wrote:

> This is probably going to be a FAQ question over and over and
> We should probably annotate when something takes multiple values within
> the schema somehow... hmmm.... something like... "only single value
> allowed"  or  "doesn't support multiple values".
> Or is there already a hard and fast rule here in the schema... that only
> Types can take multiple values ?

The way I understood Jano's question, he was asking at the format level (in
HTML). There is no rule at the schema level that prevents you from
asserting multiple types or additionalType, but some properties might have
a cardinality in the future. It's not present in the current schema [1]

My main point though is that we shouldn't confuse the schema and the
multiple serializations which each have their own implementation details.
For example, @itemtype allows multiple type from the same vocabulary,
@typeof allows multiple types from multi vocabularies, @resource, @href and
@src only allow one URI as value of a property... these are specific to the
HTML encoding. In Turtle for example, you can assert multiple values
separated with a comma without repeating the property:
[ a schema:PlaceOfWorship;
    schema:name "Songyue_Pagoda";
    schema:sameAs <>,

The constraints of the schema (e.g. cardinality) are not the same as the
rules used to write microdata, RDFa or JSON-LD.



> Thoughts ?
> --
> -Thad
> +ThadGuidry <>
> Thad on LinkedIn <>


Received on Tuesday, 25 February 2014 01:52:42 UTC