Re: Update: VisualArtwork type proposed in May this year

On 28/07/13 15:21, Karen Coyle wrote:
> On 7/28/13 5:50 AM, Paul Watson wrote:
>> Tom - thanks for the advice. I've rewritten the definition of "edition"
>> on the wiki which will hopefully make it more accessible outside the
>> world of printmaking:
>>     "The number of copies when multiple copies of a piece of artwork are
>>     produced - e.g. for a limited edition of 20 prints, 'edition' refers
>>     to the total number of copies (in this example "20"). "
> Paul,
> We already have "printEdition" (for newspapers) and "bookEdition" (for 
> books), so rather than use the generic term "edition" I would suggest 
> something like "artEdition." That fits the model, and doesn't suggest 
> that the "edition" under art is a general purpose one. Especially 
> since your definition specifies that it applies to artwork.
> kc

Good idea - I've changed it on the wiki -

>> I've also added a mention of "support" to the definition of "surface",
>> and rewritten the description of the "material" property to include the
>> word "medium".
>> Can anyone else help with letting me know the process to move this
>> proposal to full inclusion and publication on
>> <>?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Paul

Received on Sunday, 28 July 2013 14:56:57 UTC