RE: proposal to add factChecker and copyEditor to NewsArticle

EBU is also providing role vocabulries that can make good use of "role" (also implemented like this in EBUCore) also referecenced by MovieLabs in their metadata specification. 

However, the answer is not so straightforward.

There is a good case for defining all these roles as subclasses of e.g. "contributor" or else. Then one global query on contributor would list them all. But it would equally list all contributors with different roles.

One way or the other - these are anyway not mutually excluding.

From: Ivan Herman []
Sent: 17 October 2012 00:38
To: Martin Hepp
Cc: John Bachir;
Subject: Re: proposal to add factChecker and copyEditor to NewsArticle


I think I agree with you. Actually, for this application there are already vocabularies that define those roles, bound to some FRBR related works, it may better reusing those.

Just my 2 cents


Ivan Herman
+31 641044153

(Written on my mobile. Excuses for brevity and frequent misspellings...)

On 16 Oct 2012, at 17:46, Martin Hepp <> wrote:

> Since the two proposed properties represent roles that a certain person has for a certain NewsArticle, I am in general inclined to not recommend individual properties for each role but rather use a generic property "typeOfContribution" or "role" and have that link a) the NewsArticle (or CreativeWork) with b) the Person via an intermediate node (e.g. with enumerations (internal or external) for popular roles.
> Otherwise we will end up with a mess of properties.
> But this of course really a tradeoff between conceptual beauty and cleanness on one hand and ease of markup on the other.
> Just my 2 cents from experience
> Martin
> On Oct 16, 2012, at 10:34 PM, John Bachir wrote:
>> Anyone have any thoughts on this?
>> Is there another venue more appropriate for this sort of thing?
>> Thanks,
>> John
>> On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 9:00 PM, John Bachir <> wrote:
>> The typical roles in producing a journalistic work are: writer, editor, fact-checker, copy-editor.
>> Thing > CreativeWork > Article > NewsArticle has these properties of type Person:
>> accountablePerson
>> author
>> contributor
>> copyrightHolder
>> creator ("the same as the Author property for CreativeWork" -- I don't know what that means)
>> editor
>> provider
>> All of these are from CreativeWork.
>> I propose that NewsArticle, or maybe Article for one or both, add the following two properties of type Person:
>> factChecker
>> copyEditor
>> Before I put together a more detailed proposal on the wiki, I'm looking for some initial feedback from this group.
>> Thanks,
>> John
> --------------------------------------------------------
> martin hepp
> e-business & web science research group
> universitaet der bundeswehr muenchen
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