mDL profile of VCs

Hi Everyone

at our mDL conference call today, the group decided that 4 date/time
properties are needed for an mDL VC (mobile driving licence VC). These are

1. The date that the driving license was issued
2. The date that the mDL VC becomes valid
3. The date that the mDL VC becomes invalid
4. The date that the driving license expires.

Consequently we need 4 properties to represent the above. It quite
likely that mDL VCs will be short lived and not revoked. It is likely
that other use cases that issue VCs from underlying timed documents may
also require the same 4 date/time properties. Therefore it would be
useful if the implementation guide could specify these 4 properties
(which could then be incorporated into v1.1 of the VC data model).

If we had a clean sheet I would suggest the following 4 properties

1. issuanceDate
2. validFrom
3. validUntil
4. expiryDate

Unfortunately the current definitions of issuanceDate and expirationDate
do not have the required semantics. The proposed validFrom and
validUntil properties do appear to have the required semantics, but they
do not appear to be defined anywhere.

What suggestions does anyone have? Could we add the four definitions to
the Implementation Guide?

Kind regards


Received on Wednesday, 7 August 2019 16:52:50 UTC