Minutes for VCWG telecon 6 AUgust 2019

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Amy, David, Dave, Manu and Dan!




      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                    Verifiable Claims Working Group

06 Aug 2019


      [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vc-wg/2019Aug/0000.html


          Amy_Guy, Andrei_Sambra, Benjamin_Young, Daniel_Burnett,
          Dave_Longley, Dudley_Collinson, Manu_Sporny, Matt_Stone,
          Oliver_Terbu, Ted_Thibodeau, David_Chadwick, Sercan_Kum,
          Brent_Zundel, Jonathan_Holt, Justin_Richer,
          Yancy_Ribbens, Kaliya_Young, Kaz_Ashimura, Ganesh_Annan


          Dan_Burnett, Matt_Stone

          rhiaro, DavidC, dlongley, manu, burn


     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Agenda
         2. [5]PRs
         3. [6]Issues
         4. [7]DID WG creation vote (Manu)
         5. [8]Test Suite Issues and Discussion
         6. [9]Implementation Guide
         7. [10]Use Cases document update
         8. [11]Implementation Guide
         9. [12]UK Govt call for Evidence (D Chadwick)
        10. [13]Other implementation topics
     * [14]Summary of Action Items
     * [15]Summary of Resolutions

   <rhiaro> scribenick: rhiaro

   <stonematt> Zakim who's here


   burn: issues and PRs first, then test suite
   ... dmitri gave me a test suite update
   ... will spend the majority of the time on implementation guide
   and use cases doc
   ... This is already in the agenda, I have two items I needt o
   ... one is we need talk about the DID WG creation vote, I
   suggest that after the issues
   ... Another is the UK gov's call for evidence which DavidC will
   present. I propose we do that after implementation guide
   ... Want to limit the time on that.
   ... Any suggestions for changes?

   DavidC: I've written a draft ?? for mdl and we've got a
   discussion tomorrow, I sent an early copy to manu and dave to
   ask them to look at the @context, I didn't circulate it to the
   group because I thought it was premature, but I will do so
   after tomorrow's meeting


   burn: Going to look at PRs

   <manu> [16]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pulls

     [16] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pulls

   burn: manu just submitted a PR

   <manu> [17]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/708

     [17] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/708

   manu: it's to address the only outstanding issue we have, Ted
   raised issue 704 which was that people can get mixed up if they
   copy and paste the examples
   ... I found some css magic that makes it so when you highlight
   the examples the css that's been added to the PR makes it so
   that the comments are not copied
   ... you can literally select everything, copy and paste it into
   somewhere else and thes tuff that's pasted is without the
   comments and the ...s
   ... you can't copy the comments now in the spec
   ... I also updated some of the accessibility for the comments
   and highlighted code, comments are now high contrast blue to
   meet accessibility guidelines, highlights are in high contrast
   ... the one thing I did not do ted is point out the fact that
   the json contains comments, the only way that someone is going
   to get those comments in is either they're using a browser more
   than a decade old or they hand type the examples into something
   ... so I don't know if you still feel like we need to point ou
   tthat the json in the examples have comments in there that you
   shouldn't copy meaning it would be invalid json
   ... it's easy to add it, just don't know if we need to

   TallTed: browsers are not the only way peopel will interact
   with this. I turn specs into pdf or print them out. THere are
   multiple paths here

   manu: it's not a big deal, I'll add the text to the PR
   ... as soon as I add that text I'll make it a real PR

   TallTed: there's no way to preview this before it gets merged
   because of the way this system works. It sounds good

   manu: I have a preview link

   <manu> here is the preview link:

     [18] https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/708.html


     [19] https://pr-preview.s3.amazonaws.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/708.html#example-1-a-simple-example-of-a-verifiable-credential

   TallTed: so now if someone wants to copy the comments there's a
   new problem

   manu: the question is which problem can we live with
   ... there's that PR
   ... that addresses the only outstanding issue, as long as
   everyone is happy

   oliver: if you scroll down to the jwt section there is a ... in
   quotes that gets highlighted

   manu: I can fix that. Is the ... not supposed to be there?

   oliver: it's supposed to be a base64 encoded string

   manu: I'll look at that. Anything else?
   ... Only example 30 needs to be fix

   stonematt: nor Safari

   manu: gaaaahhhh css
   ... I'll fix for all browsers

   burn: anything else on this issue?


   burn: I believe the only issue we have left not deferred is the
   one we were just discussing
   ... so we're working on 704
   ... any objections to moving on?

DID WG creation vote (Manu)

     [20] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/did-wg-2019/

   manu: great news is the DID WG charter is out for formal vote
   at the w3c. This is public. They announce charter votes now on
   a public mailing list, and request public comment on the
   charter as well
   ... What we need to do is clearly communicate with as many W3C
   members, specifically AC reps, that we vote in support of the
   charter. Right now with 0 notification we have 12 positive
   votes. We need 25, and the closer we get to 40 or 50 the better
   things will be
   ... I'm planning on contacting a veyr large subset of W3C AC
   members who wanted to be let know when the vote goes out
   ... It's really imporatn we do that before the end of the
   month, that's when we need to get as many votes as we can in
   ... if there are companies that we know support the work but
   are not yet W3C members and probably never will become them,
   they shoudl still send in an email stating that their company
   really wants this work to happen

   <scribe> scribenick: DavidC


     [21] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-new-work/2019Aug/0000.html

   Manu asks that we broadly circulate the public announcement for
   the DID new work item

   and asks everyone to ask companies they know to vote in support
   of it with W3C

   All the public comments are very positive. There is just one
   invisible (probably negative) comment

   The vote stops at the end of August

   <manu> [22]https://www.w3.org/2019/08/did-wg-charter.html

     [22] https://www.w3.org/2019/08/did-wg-charter.html


     [23] https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/33280/did-wg-2019/results

   Still determining who the second chair of the WG will be. Dan
   will be one

Test Suite Issues and Discussion

   <burn> [24]https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/issues

     [24] https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/issues

   Dan updated the status of the test suite and reports

   Andre asked if the implementation reports could link to a repo
   with the code used for the testing

   <burn> DavidC: we have passed all the tests, still need to
   update the test report

Implementation Guide

   <burn> [25]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues

     [25] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues

   <deiu> [26]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pulls

     [26] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pulls

   <deiu> [27]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/18

     [27] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/18

   <manu> +1 to merge.

   Andrei said this PR can be merged

   No objections to this

   <manu> +1 to merge.

   <deiu> [28]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/19

     [28] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/19

   <Zakim> manu, you wanted to request we setup github preview...

   Oliver asked if we can set up Preview on github

   <burn> ACTION: Kaz/chairs to set up PR previews on

     [29] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide

   Manu thinks the JWT text is broadly ok to merge (with only
   minor nit picks)

   Oliver has to resolve conflicts before the text can be merged

   <deiu> Last PR --

     [30] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/17

   <deiu> [31]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues

     [31] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues

   DavidC said he will review the schem PR

   <deiu> [32]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/16

     [32] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/16

   schem -> schema

   <deiu> [33]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/8

     [33] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/8

   <manu> +1 to defer until Oliver's PR is in

   <deiu> [34]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/4

     [34] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/4

   manu: Question was how to link to external resource from a VC
   ... use a cryptographic hash of some kind. Hashlinks is one
   (but not only) way

   scribenick: burn

   DavidC: thought this was about referencing a VC within another
   ... thinks you can just use the VC id

   <Zakim> manu, you wanted to say that it's the same problem.

   scribenick: DavidC

   Manu: VC id on its own is not good enough because the contents
   at that link could change
   ... so need to either base64 encode OR canonicalize, hash and

   <deiu> [35]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/3

     [35] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/3

   <Zakim> jonathan_holt, you wanted to comment the role of

   <manu> Multihash and Multibase is what hashlink uses... so, the
   suggestion includes jonnycrunch's notes.

   <dlongley> scribenick: dlongley

   DavidC: I agree that anything put on the Web can change ... but
   we've got a rogue issuer if they are issuing different contents
   with the same ID.

   <oliver> resolved the conflicts

   DavidC: I was responding to Manu's point that you can't just
   use the ID on the VC on its own. But my point is that every VC
   should have a unique ID. If I include a VC in another VC they
   should never issue two VCs with the same ID.
   ... A VC ID on its own should be good enough on its own.

   manu: Strongly disagree. You said the issuer "should not do X"
   but there is nothing to guarantee that they did not do X,
   either a software bug, MiTM attack, injection attack, all kinds
   of ways that might not happen.
   ... If you're using a URL to represent the information, you're
   using a system that's susceptible to change. You can do that,
   but you may also want to be able to update the VC that's
   associated with that ID.
   ... I'm very concerned about us making any kind of suggestion
   that including a link to an external piece of data is ok -- I
   think we want to at least say that if you want to have
   certainty that things haven't changed that you use a content
   ... If you don't, the assumption is that that data might

   DavidC: When I issue a VC the link only has to be a URI,
   there's no guarantee that it even has to be published on the
   Web anywhere.
   ... To reference the VC in the way you're saying, you have to
   get a hold of it...
   ... It's who guards the guards, it's going way over the top. If
   I've got something that's digitally signed with a unique ID
   inside it that should be enough.

   scribenick: manu

   dlongley: What we should say in the impelmentation guide is say
   there are different risk profiles.
   ... If we want to be clear to the person consuming what was
   signed, you include a content hash. That way, they can check
   and see the content that is signed.
   ... If you don't include it, you're requring some other
   mechanism for it to not change, or you are saying that you find
   that the data changing is an acceptable risk.

   <manu> to be clear, dlongley and I are saying the same thing.

   scribenick: dlongley

   DavidC: That is a more balanced approach, certainly.

   <brent> +1 as long as its clear that "other mechanisms for
   ensuring immutability" are acceptable

   <dlongley> +1 to brent

   DavidC: David introduced the notion of risk in there and we
   should put that in there, if you trust the issuer and assume it
   hasn't been hacked, etc.

   scribenick: manu

   dlongley: This doesn't necessarily have something to do with
   trusting the issuer... for example, the issuer might lose their
   domain name... this doesn't have to do with hacking or
   attacking anyone. We should be clear that links to other pieces
   of information, even though it is not accessible over HTTP, the
   information could change. We should be clear to implementers
   that they include a content hash to make it clear to other
   people about what content they're signing.

   scribenick: dlongley

   deiu: May I suggest we leave this issue open and leave
   arguments in the comments?

   <deiu> [36]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/4

     [36] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/4

   burn: Ok, then people do need to enter these comments into
   issue #4.
   ... Let's keep this moving offline.
   ... The group ends at the end of September and in the middle of
   Sept. people won't be paying attention because many
   participants will be working in the DID WG. Let's get these
   issues wrapped up.

   <manu> oof, 1-2 weeks will be very difficult :(

   <manu> good thing we can update it after the fact.

   <deiu> [37]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/3

     [37] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/3

   DavidC: I wanted to publish the full details of what we're
   doing with our implementation... but can't. I had a chat with
   Dave Longley and the WebAuthn WG put a note in the spec to say
   that different origins could be used in the future. This is why
   in our implementation we've had to put a workaround in there.

   <Zakim> manu, you wanted to note we demoed this at RWoT7

   DavidC: So that everyone might implement the same workaround
   but can't talk about the solution for business reasons.

   manu: Just to be clear -- we cannot talk about IPR in this
   call, or even suggest anything that could be under IPR.
   ... So, don't talk about IPR at all, we don't want to hear
   about it on the call.
   ... The other thing I wanted to mention was a follow up on a
   few things off of what Dave Longley had mentioned with David.
   This is a feature that we actually demo'd at Rebooting the Web
   of Trust.

   <burn> Manu is correct. Under no circumstances can you say
   anything about patents

   manu: You can go to your digital wallet, register your two
   factor auth device. We demo'd the Veres Wallet stuff and you
   register your device and we had to use a modified version of
   Chrome, a 10 line change to the browser to enable this.
   ... The second rechartering for the WebAuthn WG is working on
   this and other groups are requesting this feature too. Because
   we registered the FIDO device we were able to create a
   VerifiablePresentation and use the device to sign it before
   sending it to the verifier.
   ... We agree it's super important and useful to support. It's
   one of the things we may be able to ask for as the DID WG and
   this group, to enable this stuff to be enabled through
   WebAuthn. Any other alternative we should do a very thorough
   review on because it's really hard to get the security
   characteristics right.
   ... +1 for proposing things but absolutely nothing that's IPR

   DavidC: Understood.

   deiu: Do you think it's worth actually mentioning something
   from the Veres Wallet in this issue or adding a PR that
   describes how WebAuthn works?

   manu: Yeah, we don't have to be to be specific about the
   product, it should work with any Web-based wallet and it works
   with the Credential Handler API, which is also important to
   note. Also, absolutely no IP around it, we've established that.
   ... We want to get something into the implementation guide and
   into a WG setting where no one can come in and patent it after
   the fact.

   deiu: I don't want to put more work on Digital Bazaar's plate
   but do you think someone can put in a PR for this?

   manu: We shouldn't close it, we'll try very hard to get to it
   but no promises.

   deiu: I will remove David Chadwick from assignees since he
   can't provide details.
   ... Do you have anyone specific to assign?

   manu: It would be Dave Longley or myself, probably.

   deiu: Ok.

   <deiu> [38]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/19

     [38] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/19

   deiu: I suggest we move forward. I know Oliver has fixed the
   conflict in that PR. If you'd like to quickly take a look at
   ... We need one more approval.
   ... Any one against merging PR #19?

   <manu> +1 to merge

   <DavidC> dlongley: I can take over the minutes now

   <oliver> (sorry, i have to leave)

   <scribe> scribenick: DavidC

   <deiu> [39]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/2

     [39] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/2

   <deiu> [40]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/1

     [40] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/1

   <Zakim> manu, you wanted to wonder about other sections that
   are missing.

   Manu: are there issues that people would like to see that
   convert into sections of the document

Use Cases document update

   <burn> [41]https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/

     [41] https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/

   <stonematt> [42]https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/pull/105

     [42] https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/pull/105

   Matt: Iot use case being worked on

   <manu> +1 to merging IoT use case

   Matt: PR#103 needs some tweeking

   <TallTed> 35 open issues?

   Matt: by next week we need a clean use case documet
   ... not looking for new content now.

   documet -> document

   TallTed is concerned that there are still 35 open issues on the

   Matt responded it is a lot, but he thinks that by reviewing
   them, a lot will be resolved

   Burn: the implementation guide and use cases are working group
   notes. They are not standards
   ... thus it does not matter how many open issues there are.

   <TallTed> Issues *can* be turned into "This is an open
   question..." in the doc

   Burn: all that is required is for the WG to say it is ready to
   be published
   ... that being said, we should of course endeavour to resolve
   as many open issues as possible

   <burn> +1 Ted

   TallTed said that all open issues should at least be addressed
   by saying we are not addressing this

   Matt agreed with TallTed

Implementation Guide

   <manu> [43]https://w3c.github.io/vc-imp-guide/

     [43] https://w3c.github.io/vc-imp-guide/

   manu: thinks that aspirational stuff should be removed
   ... thinks that LD proofs will use COSE and CBOR more than JWTs

   <Zakim> manu, you wanted to ask isn't that the section Dave
   Longley just wrote?

   Jonathan_holt thinks it is hard to specify COSE implementation
   stuff as it is binary

   Manu agrees that this is the way that things seem to be going

   scribenick: manu

   dlongley: I think we should say: If you're using VCs, use its
   decentralized extension mechanism... if you're using JWTs, use
   JWT's centralized extension mechanism.

   DavidC: When you pick a URL, should it be dereferenceable? You
   can use an OID, but you can't look up OIDs... but advantage is,
   if it's an attribute, and it equals LDAP directory, you can
   connect the two.

   dlongley: perhaps what should happen is you should talk about
   how you can do that w/ VCs if you want to.
   ... All this wrt. "what sort of URI should I use?" is an matter
   of implementation/risk/etc.

   DavidC: We can write some of this stuff... matter of cycles and
   time... when do we want to be done w/ this document.

   burn: In a couple of weeks, I'd like to close the document...

   <Zakim> manu, you wanted to say how we publish the document.

   scribenick: dlongley

   manu: When it comes to publishing the document; clearly we
   won't be able to get all this stuff in based on our track
   record. The good news is that when W3C publishes an update to
   an existing document they include a big warning that directs
   people to the new version. I suggest that when we publish, we
   immediately put in this document is out of date.
   ... But then what happens is that the document gets ignored
   because many of us we'll jump into the DID WG, etc. But noting
   all these things in the implementation guide is important.
   That's just a suggestion, when we publish this in the group we
   point to the live version and direct people over there.

   burn: Any other comments or discussion on the implementation
   guide at this time?

   manu: Question for the ZKP folks. The implementation guide
   doesn't mention it a lot. We may want to point people ...
   either directly put stuff in the spec or point to external
   documents, thoughts on that?

   brent: I agree, we need more in the guide on ZKPs. I will
   formally make it my task to make sure that happens.

   manu: Awesome, thank you, Brent.

   scribenick: DavidC

   dlongley: I can scribe again now

   <burn> ACTION: Brent to add more text on ZKPs to implementation

   Manu: we should add more text about digital wallets
   ... we need a section about ongoing work so that folks know we
   have not finished yet

   kaz: is it possible to add ".jsonld" identifier to the "v1"
   file (and make it "v1.jsonld") on GitHub?
   ... because github.com site cannot handle mime type setting

   Manu: we cannot change our spec now

   kaz: we can continue to use "www.w3.org/2018/credentials/v1" as
   described by the spec
   ... my point is just changing the filename of "v1" to
   "v1.jsonld" (whose content is JSON-LD) on the GitHub side
   ... maybe the Webmaster knows about nicer setting and I'm
   asking him about that, but he is on vacation now and we need to
   wait for the response

   Manu: can we take this offline please

   burn: this has been going on for many months now. we need a
   call with the W3C web master please

   kaz: can have a joint call with the Webmaster after he gets
   back from vacation
   ... but as I mentioned, I'm already asking the Webmaster about
   a nicer solution, so would see the response first


     [44] https://github.com/jshttp/mime-db#adding-custom-media-types


     [45] https://help.github.com/en/articles/mime-types-on-github-pages

UK Govt call for Evidence (D Chadwick)

     [46] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vc-wg/2019Jul/0021.html

   <dlongley> scribenick: dlongley

   DavidC: The reason I brought this to the view of the group --
   as you know I've been funded to look into VC and
   commercialization and I've been invited to build an MVP and
   during that time I've talked to various people in gov't and the
   post office about improving their federated system.
   ... They've issued a document now asking for views in people in
   groups, etc. on why they need to improve the identity system
   they use in the UK. Many of which can be answered by VCs.
   Rather than me writing my own response it would be much better
   if this group would produce an official response from the VCWG.
   ... And say how VCs can help achieve what they're looking for.
   You'll see if you look at the URL I've provided VCs address the

   <Zakim> manu, you wanted to urge that the group should respond
   officially... including all entities that are currently members
   of the WG.

   DavidC: We talk about where we can improve trust and questions
   on each section, lots of good sections we can provide good
   input. Would you be willing to have the group provide a
   collective response that we can put our name to?

   manu: +1

   <Dudley> +1

   manu: I feel very strongly that this group should respond, big
   stuff, thank you David for bringing it to the group's
   attention. Unless there are objections we should put this out
   to a group response and unless there are objections say we
   support the response as a group.
   ... It's kind of every single member saying VCs are important
   to use to solve this problem and here's why. And here's a list
   of orgs in the group. Would anyone say that they're not
   interested in attaching their name to it... in order to do that
   we need 1-2 weeks to collect objections, etc. and go through
   that process. I don't know if you, Dan or Kaz disagree with
   that approach, would like to make that the goal.

   kaz: I'm not objecting personally, but given we've tried to
   respond, the whole VCWG, maybe we need to talk with the W3
   communications team.
   ... From a process point.

   manu: I think that's a good idea to involve them. I don't think
   Comm team has any authority over WG statements.
   ... Clearly we want to involve them in that we want to respond
   in this way. There's also a liaison that W3C has with ISO... in
   this case it's direct, it's David.
   ... I don't know what we need to do there, we should involve

   <agropper> I would like to particiapte in drafting a group

   manu: David, is there a timeframe?

   <Identitywoman> +Q

   DavidC: It's a public call for response, anyone can respond. We
   don't have to be formally invited. The date is 15th of
   September (I think) when they want a reply around about that
   ... Sunday Sept 15th at 11:59 BST.
   ... They give an email address for response, no more than 2000
   words, PDF or word/open document format.

   <Zakim> burn, you wanted to ask how we get to a resolution

   burn: Thank you. I just wanted to say that this is a great
   idea, I do have a practical concern on how we get to
   resolution. I have the same understanding as Manu that the WG
   can make any statement it wants, doesn't require approval.
   ... Manu you're saying that everyone has to put their name to
   it, this isn't a document that lists everyone's names, it's
   some sort of email response that lists the name of the WG. We
   don't need names on it just not objections from the WG to put
   the WG name on it.

   kaliya: Just a thought to help explain the "why" I figured out
   -- VCs find low cost infinite technical federation.

   burn: Thanks.

   kaz: From my viewpoint as W3C team contact for this WG -- we
   should talk with Comm team and then W3 management (if needed)
   after that.
   ... So talk to Jeff Jaffe quickly, etc. Talk about this with
   ... Even if we don't need "approval" here I think talking with
   them would be better.

   <Zakim> manu, you wanted to note that we took a look at JSON-LD
   Context for mobile driver's license have feedback.

   burn: I agree, it's always good to do that.

   manu: Yeah. The other comment is that, David, we did look at
   the JSON-LD `@context` you sent over, it's in the right
   direction, needs more work, there are benefits drawbacks to the
   OID approach. It's really a question about what's best. What's
   the time frame for us to get a response back to you?

   DavidC: The first meeting is tomorrow, we'll be discussing
   then. I don't feel strongly either way what the reference
   should be and they already use OIDs in their document. So it
   seemed to me that we could use LDAP attribute OIDs and not have
   our own. The other problem is that it doesn't publish things.
   ... We're used to putting things in URLs, they don't publish
   things, ISO doesn't share without payment, etc. Trying to
   publish things might be against the ISO spirit, whereas OIDs
   work, keeps it in house.

Other implementation topics

   <scribe> scribenick: DavidC

   Burn: any other topics?

   <stonematt> bye all

   Since there was no response, burn thanked everyone and reminded
   them to keep working on the implementation guide


Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: Brent to add more text on ZKPs to implementation
   [NEW] ACTION: Kaz/chairs to set up PR previews on

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

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Received on Tuesday, 6 August 2019 19:02:26 UTC