draft face to face agenda

Please find below a first cut at drafting the agenda for the Seoul 
face to face. We have regrets from Keith R, Kevin, Rotan and 
Stephane. I am hoping that they can provide materials relating to 
their work items in advance of the meeting.

Rotan will try to participate remotely via IRC and Skype. Kaz is 
only able to make Thursday 6 March, so I have placed the discussions 
on device coordination and the collaboration with the PUCC on 
Thursday, along with a look at plans for an Incubator Group that I 
am hoping will feed into the rechartering process in early 2009.

Your comments and suggestions for changes are welcomed!

Tuesday 4 March 2008

  Introductions, agenda bashing and minute takers


   Preparing to exit CR (entered 21 December 2007)

     - test assertions
     - test suites
     - implementations
     - Sailesh's demo
     - implementation report

Content Selection for Device Independence
and Delivery Context XPath Access Functions:

   Preparing to exit CR  (entered 25 July 2007)

     - test assertions
     - test suites
     - implementations
     - implementation report
     - further work


     - Historical context
     - Relationship to CDF
     - Support for other versions of XHTML?
     - Missing features?
     - DIAL Lite
     - Additional editors?

DC Ontology

   Preparing next draft and longer term roadmap

     - Liaison with DD WG
     - Liaison with OMA
     - revisiting units
     - modularisation
     - personalization
     - user modeling
     - location, speed and bearing
     - contacts (vCard)
     - calendar (iCalendar)

APIs for the delivery context

     - Review of current APIs
     - Is a single API pratical?
     - How to involve all stakeholders?
     - Potential role of HypertextCG

Wednesday 5 March 2008

  Mobile meeting.

Thursday 6 March 2008

(I am hoping to get a group photo during the day)

Composite Capability/Preference Profiles:
Structure and Vocabularies 2.0

   - road map for moving to CR

Device Coordination

   - use cases for device coordination
   - terminology
   - potential role of web standards
   - heterogeneous mix of network technologies
     and device generations
   - descriptions and resource binding
   - security issues
   - trust delegation
   - next steps

Collaboration with PUCC

   - status report for PUCC
   - putting specs on REC track
   - eventing model
   - device ontologies

Layered User Interfaces and
End-to-end modeling of Web applications

   - introduction
   - business case
   - research background
   - related standards work
   - review of XG charter

Planning session

   - editors and work items

Close of meeting.

  Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org> http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett

Received on Monday, 18 February 2008 18:38:31 UTC